
Friday, April 15, 2016

Science of the Week, 4/15/16

Here are some of the most interesting science news articles I read this week:

Neanderthals may have been infected by diseases carried out of Africa by humans, say researchers

Children of older mothers do better (good news for my son)

Why do people with Alzheimer's stop recognizing their loved ones?

Zika virus may now be tied to another brain disease

Millions of maternal and child lives could be saved every year for less than $5 per person

Friends or not? Just a second of laughter can reveal relationship status

Spreading seeds by human migration

Why relationships fail, according to science

Our universe is expanding a lot faster than we thought

Scientists have constructed a single-atom engine

This algae-based water bottle degrades when it's empty

Have a good weekend, and I'll see you Monday!


  1. Why do relationships fail? People stop communicating and trying.

  2. so many lives saved for so little money. Heartbreaking that we can't do this!
