
Friday, October 23, 2015

Science of the Week, 10/23/15

Here are some of the most interesting science news articles I read this week:

Researchers find neural switch that turns dreams on and off

Our ancestors probably didn't get eight hours a night, either 

Aaahh!! Real monsters! How parasites and pathogens colonized fiction

Link found between comet, asteroid showers, and mass extinctions

A century of induced earthquakes in Oklahoma?

Morticulture: forests of the living dead

Male and female hearts don't grow old the same way

Ancient ear muscles may still be helping humans

New evidence suggests life on Earth began much earlier than we thought

Scientists have genetically engineered dogs to make them muscly

Earth may have formed earlier than 92% of other habitable planets

Scientists have begun hunting for alien signals coming from mysterious star

Have a good weekend, everyone, and be sure to stop by Sunday for the Broad Universe Full Moon Blog Tour and on Monday for a special guest post by Gail Z. Martin!

1 comment:

  1. I wonder how much research was spent on giving dogs more muscles?
    Have a great weekend!
