
Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Happy Tenth Anniversary!

Tomorrow is my tenth wedding anniversary. (My husband and I have actually been together for twenty-five years, but some of that time was when we were in a long-distance relationship.) For our first anniversary, we took a one-week trip to London. For our fifth, we took a special lunch cruise on Lake Michigan. This year, both of us have been too busy to plan anything and have limited time to take off. We may take an extended weekend somewhere later, when things are less hectic--if that ever happens.

Here are a couple of pictures from the wedding:

and a few from the honeymoon:

Happy Anniversary, sweetie, and many more!


  1. Happy ten years! Hope you get to celebrate somewhere. And together as a couple for twenty-five years? Good for you.

  2. Oh, my gosh, you were such a beautiful bride!

    Happy tenth anniversary. May you have many more.

  3. Congrats! What is the traditional gift for ten years?

  4. Thanks, Maria and Pat! I'm not sure what the ten-year gift is. Chocolate works for any year, though.
