
Monday, June 01, 2015

Two Giveaways for Scattered Seasons

Since I still have several paper copies of Scattered Seasons and could use more reviews, I've started a giveaway on Goodreads. It's technically supposed to start today, but as of last night, approval was still pending. I hope it goes live soon, as this giveaway will end next Monday, June 8th. Five winners in the U.S. will each receive a signed copy. If you'd like to enter, please visit this link.

If you're not in the U.S., or if you prefer e-books, you can request an e-book copy for review through LibraryThing. I don't have an exact link for this giveaway, so you have to scroll down this list.  I'm willing to give away up to 100 e-books in PDF, EPUB, or MOBI formats, and this giveaway will run through June 15th.

Good luck to all!


  1. I still need to read the first book! Which is on my list. I did Tweet about the giveaways though.

  2. I hope GR approves the giveaway soon. Getting reviews is such a pain, but necessary. Best of luck!

  3. I tweeted it, too. I hope it helps!
    I'm not active on goodreads, otherwise I'd totally sign up!
