
Thursday, June 04, 2015

Science of the Week, 6/5/15

Here are some of the most interesting science news articles I read this week:

Experiment confirms quantum theory weirdness: Reality doesn't exist until measured

A patient's budding cortex--in a dish?

Researchers grow mouse limb in a lab--could work for primates

Cheetah learns to jump

Researchers find textbook-altering link between brain, immune system 
(Believe it or not, I read about this first through Facebook links before I had time to read in on Science Blog.)

Chimpanzees have congitive capacity for cooking

Bacteria may cause Type 2 diabetes

Most Americans can eat locally, research shows

A world without color--researchers find gene mutation that strips color, reduces vision

Invasive microbe protects corals from global warming, but at a cost

Even when we're resting, our brains are preparing us to be social

Researchers find "lost" memories

Have a good weekend, and see you Monday!


  1. I don't think my brain is ever preparing to be social.

  2. Someone has to be the exception, Pat.

    Alex, these are robot cheetahs.

  3. I really found the eating locally post quite interesting. We support our local CSA, but I learned so much more. Thanks! :)
