
Monday, June 29, 2015

Reading Report: January--June, 2015

With June almost over, it's time for my semiannual reading report. My reading goal for this year is 200 books, and I'm at the halfway point with 100 books. (ETA: You can follow along with my 2015 reading challenge on Goodreads.) These numbers include everything from individual short stories listed on Goodreads to omnibus editions. I did include a couple of books I read over and over with my son, but most of them I generally don't track. (I also didn't track some of the Hugo nominees I've read.) I typically save my genre and format breakdown for the end of the year, but this time I decided to go ahead and do it. First is the genre breakdown:

Fantasy: 35
Science Fiction: 25
Other Fiction: 9
Non-Fiction: 31

Here's the split between eBook and paper formats:

eBook: 72
Paper: 28

Most of the paper books I read are from the library. If the eBook I want to read is priced above what I think is reasonable, I may get the paper version instead. (This is what I did for Prudence and Bujold's series.)

Diversity reads (I try to read at least one book a month by someone of a different sexuality or racial/ethnic background) so far include Sere from the Green, The Summer Prince, The Three-Body Problem, and The New Moon's Arms.

Finally, here are some of my favorite reads so far for the year:

We, the People of the Clouds
Miles, Mystery, and Mayhem
Company Daughter
Winter Queen
Big Dragons Don't Cry
Cordelia's Honor
Centaur of the Crime
The Mermaid's Sister
Her Instruments trilogy

What books have you enjoyed so far this year?


  1. Not into that kind of diversity reads, but either way, really far behind you. I started off strong this year, but reading time has tanked lately. Trying to read at least one book by every blogger buddy because I'm so far behind.

  2. Alex, with all the blogger buddies you have, you've set yourself a bigger challenge than I have!

  3. I haven't read nearly as many books this year. Most of the ones I've read this year are my own.

  4. That's a lofty goal. My goal is to read 100 books this year. So far, I'm at the halfway mark.
