
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Science of the Week, 5/22/15

(This obviously wasn't supposed to be posted until Friday. I originally had it scheduled then, but the setting must have changed during editing. Apologies for that.)

Happy Memorial Day weekend to those of you who celebrate it! I'll be at WisCon in Madison, Wisconsin this weekend. I'll be reading from Scattered Seasons Saturday afternoon along with other members of Broad Universe in a rapid-fire reading, and I'll be participating in the Sign Out Monday morning. Along the way I'll help out at the Broad Universe table and party, see friends, and attend panels. There will be a more detailed report next week.

In the meantime, here are some of the most interest science news articles I read this week:

A proven approach to helping the ultra-poor

Translating thought to print with spider silk

How microbes acquire electricity in making methane

Personal microbiomes shown to contain unique "fingerprints"

Nano memory cell can mimic the brain's long-term memory

Photonic computing at the speed of light


  1. I've thought it'd be easier to write books if I could just download thoughts onto the page. Time to go start collecting spider webs!

  2. Ahh! Happy to find another Madisonian blogger! I'm not there anymore, but I went to Wisconsin :)
    Have fun at the con!

    AJ Lauer
