
Wednesday, May 06, 2015

ISWG: Too Many Projects!

Last month, my blogging time was taken up by the SF Women A-Z project and getting Scattered Seasons ready for release. But even though late April-late May is my favorite time of the year due to all of the flowers in bloom, I won't have much time to enjoy them. Here are the projects, both personal and writing-related, that will continue to keep me busy this month.

WisCon--I will be moderating the Broad Universe Rapid-Fire Reading Saturday afternoon, helping out (if needed) at the Broad Universe party Sunday night, and participating in the Sign Out Monday morning. I'll also be working at the Broad Universe table for at least one shift, maybe more if necessary. I've already ordered new bookmarks to give out and copies of Scattered Seasons to sell; I'll order more books once I get them updated. While I don't have to study up on a subject for a panel, I do need to prepare introductions for the Broad Universe readers and make sure flyers are available.

Alex's Birthday Party--My son's birthday is at the end of the month, the weekend after WisCon. This year he wants a laser tag party. I've already got that booked and the invitations sent out. Since it won't be at home, all I need to do is order a cake and prepare goodie bags.

Writing Projects--I'd really like to bring SF Women A-Z: A Reader's Guide to WisCon. Hopefully, there will be enough time to order both a paper proof and the actual copies before the convention; I may have to rush shipping.

Chaos Season is about 40,000 words, or about halfway through. I'd like to finish the first draft by the end of June, which is doable if I can average about 1,000 words a day. Of course, with my other projects, that may not always be possible.

Once I finish the draft of Chaos Season, I need to put it aside for a while and work on some short stories. There's "The Unnumbered World" from the Catalyst Chronicles series and featuring a minor character, Julia, as she and her father adapt to a new life; Young Seasons, a collection of four short stories about the Season Avatars from Scattered Seasons; and two other short stories I'd like to include in a fantasy short story collection at some point. And then when those are all done and Chaos Season finished, I still have more long-term projects, such as one more novel in the Catalyst Chronicles and two in the Season Avatars series, to complete. Guess I don't have to worry about running out of writing projects any time soon.

Now that Scattered Seasons is out, I need to update my website with buy links. I also need to start making better use of my mailing list. Hopefully I can convince a few more people to join it at Wiscon.

Another thing I want to do is set up an account with IngramSpark to distribute paper copies of my books. That will give me a better chance of actually getting them into bookstores. However, I think I need to assign the books new ISBNs since I got the original ones through CreateSpace. I need to set up the books with IngramSpark this month if I want to take advantage of a special. Fun, fun, fun...

Other--As I mentioned Monday, we want to turn the playroom into a Lego Star Wars display, but first we have to repaint and get shelves. Then I'd really like to hold a garage sale this summer to clean out all the old stuff in the basement. I don't know if we'll get raised garden beds this year, but I would like to get a few things planted. Plus, my husband and I also have to assemble Star Wars costumes if we want to join the 501st.

How will I ever cope with all this? Well, I do have a new bike, so I've been going for rides in the morning. I've only done it on weekends so far, but at least I do get to go out and enjoy the flowers briefly. I also took a couple days vacation to work on things and take some time with friends and family.

As far as juggling it all, it's a matter of setting priorities and realizing not everything will get done immediately or be done perfectly. But I'm a working mother, so I'm used to that.

Oh, and the costume I plan to use for the 501st is a Jawa. No one guessed it.


  1. I'm exhausted just reading that. Especially after the insanity of my April.
    Laser tag party - you are a cool mom.

  2. Well, there's no way I'm going to get all the writing done this month, or probably even this year. I just wanted to lay out my plans.

    He asked for the laser tag party, and it sure beats holding one at the house!

  3. That's a lot of stuff to do. You are superhuman.

  4. If I was, Pat, then maybe I wouldn't be so exhausted all the time.

  5. Hi, I'm here from Alex's blog. I must say I'm impressed. There's no way I could juggle all the stuff on your plate. You must have super human powers, LOL. Best of luck.

  6. Darn! I would not have guessed Jawa either.

    Alex is going to love his new playroom. I hope you'll show pictures of the finished room.

  7. Mothers seem to juggle 5 balls at a time. I knqw the feeling.
    I hope you get your list done and before that I hope you have an enjoyable Mother's Day - put your feet up for a day.

  8. Take time to smell those flowers--in between everything that you've got going on.

  9. Andrea, maybe if I read a radioactive book, I'll get superpowers.

    Maria, I'll post pictures either here or on Facebook.

    Moonie, I know I won't get everything done by Mother's Day, but hopefully I can do something relaxing.

    Diane, I hope I get a chance to visit a lilac park near us. It's gorgeous when it's in bloom!
