
Monday, April 20, 2015

SF Women A-Z: Twin Quinns

These authors share the name "Quinn," but it's a surname for one and a middle name for the other.

Susan Kaye Quinn has multiple engineering degrees (including a doctorate), has worked for NASA, and has designed aircraft engines. These days, she's a full-time indie author who's written dystopian YA (Mindjack Trilogy), Bollywood-flavored steampunk (Dharian Affairs trilogy), future-noir (Debt Collector), and an Indie Author Survival Guide, among other works. I like her Dharian Affairs trilogy the best so far. Check out her website and find her books on Amazon.

Chelsea Quinn Yarbro has been writing for more than forty years and has written more than eighty books, over seventy shorter works, and over three dozen essays and reviews. Her most famous series is the Count Saint-Germain Cycle. (I've read a couple of books from this cycle, but I don't own any of them.) Among her other awards, she is acclaimed as a Living Legend by the International Horror Guild and earned the World Fantasy Award for Life Achievement last year. Learn more about her on her website and Wikipedia, and find her stories on Amazon.

Do you know of any other Q women SF/Fantasy authors? Please list them below.


  1. That's cool, Alex! I know her on Facebook, and I think she lives in my neck of the woods. I haven't met her in real life, though.

  2. Visiting from A/Z; I have not heard of either of these authors; they do sound interesting with their books. I'm collecting a list of books I've seen of people reviewing them on the A/Z challenge and hope to read a lot of them after the challenge is over; we'll add these authors to that list :)


  3. Unusual name - I too am collecting books recommended on this a-z as I wander around:) will look these two up. Thanks:)

  4. Bollywood-flavored steampunk sounds interesting.

  5. I've heard of Susan Kaye Quinn. I haven't read her novels yet, but I do have them on my TBR list (at least one - the YA dystopian).

    My latest post in the Blogging A to Z Challenge.

  6. Oh! I don't have anything to say about this particular post, but I look forward to looking through your entire list -- what a great collection!

  7. Betty, I'm glad I was able to introduce you to two new authors!

    Alberta, I hope you enjoy the books!

    Pat, I hope you give her work a try!

    Majanka, I have so many books on my TBR list I'll never get to them all!

    eclecticali, I'm planning to post the entire list at the end of the month--and I'm think of expanding it into an eBook.
