
Wednesday, April 22, 2015

SF Women A-Z: Shelly, Sherman, and Shinn

I couldn't leave Mary Shelley, the mother of science fiction, off of this list. Besides, Frankenstein, her most famous work, she also wrote an apocalyptic novel called The Last Man, several other novels, and travel books. Shelley bore four children, but only one survived into adulthood. Some people claim that Frankenstein is really about childbirth and parenting. I thought I had a copy of Frankenstein at one point, but since I can't find it now, check the right sidebar of my blog to see Shelley featured on the Broad Universe web button. (You may have to scroll down a bit.) Learn more about Shelley on Wikipedia, and find her books on Amazon.

Deila Sherman is the wife and occasional writing/editing partner, Ellen Kushner, who was featured earlier in this series. Sherman has won the Mythopoetic Fantasy Award for I've seen her several times at WisCon and have read The Fall of Kings and Through a Brazen Mirror. You can learn more about her on her website and Wikipedia and find her work on Amazon.

Sharon Shinn has been nominated for the John W. Campbell Award. She's written several enjoyable series, such as the Samaria Series, the Elemental Blessings Series, and my favorite, the Twelve Houses series. You can learn more about her and her books on her website, Wikipedia, and Amazon.

I'm sure this is only a fraction of the superb S authors out there. Who are your favorite SF/fantasy women authors under S?


  1. I love Delia Sherman's writing. "The Freedom Maze" is my favorite of hers. Shelley I'm not such a fan of. I can't even force myself through Frankenstein. :(

  2. Have you ever seen Ken Russell's Gothic? It touches on that issue in Mary Shelley's life. (And it's also one freaky weird movie.)

  3. I haven't read "The Freedom Maze" yet, though I have read some of Sherman's earlier work.

    Alex, no, I haven't seen that movie. It might be interesting, though.

  4. So true about Mary Shelley. I will need to pick up a Sharon Shinn book.

  5. Mary Shelly is my favorite author!

    Good luck with the A to Z Challenge!
    A to Z Co-Host S. L. Hennessy

  6. I have read Frankenstein. It was a lot better than the old movie. You can get it free for the Kindle on Amazon.

    I'm sure you can find a copy at any discount bookstore or among the "classics" at B&N.

  7. T., I hope you enjoy Shinn's work!

    S.L., great! What's your favorite work of hers?

    Pat, thanks for the tip. I'll have to download that at some point.

  8. I have only read Frankenstein, and that was a while ago. I need to read more.

    For favorites, I'll go with Harriet Beecher Stowe for "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Such historical significance!

  9. Uncle Tom's Cabin is an important book, Jay, but I wouldn't count it as SF or fantasy.
