
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

SF Women A-Z: Lots of Ls! Lackey, Leckie, Lee, Link, Lundoff

There are lots of authors listed under L. Let's get started....

Mercedes Lackey, along with Piers Anthony, was one of my "gateway" authors into SF/Fantasy. (I say "was" because I seldom read her anymore, though I still hang on to all of my Valdemar books.) She's influenced my writing style with her use of interior monologues, though I try to cut back on those these days. Learn more about her and her work on her website, Wikipedia, and Amazon.

In contrast to Lackey's fantasy, Ann Leckie is known for her science fiction and her Hugo-winning novel Ancillary Justice. The sequel has also been nominated for a Hugo this year. (And no, this isn't the place to discuss this year's slate.) However, she's also written several short stories. It still boggles my mind that I was on a panel with her at WisCon last year. Learn more about her and her work on her website, Wikipedia, and Amazon.

Tanith Lee made her first sale at age 21 and has written over 90 novels and 300 short stories, according to her Wikipedia article. I've read her Unicorn trilogy and (I think) The Silver Metal Lover, along with various short stories. You can find her work on Amazon.

Kelly Link is an award-winning short story writer; her awards include the Hugo, Nebula, World Fantasy, and the Tiptree. I enjoyed her Stranger Things Happen collection. Learn more about her and her work on her website, Wikipedia, and Amazon.

Finally, I have to include Catherine Lundoff, a sister member of Broad Universe. I enjoyed her novel Silver Moon and hope she writes a sequel. Learn more about her on her website and find her work here on Amazon

Do you have more authors to add to L? Please tell us about them in the comments.


  1. I have heard of Lackey at least.

  2. Most everyone knows Lackey.
    Why are the covers in black and white?

  3. Pat, Lackey's very popular.

    Alex, I have a Paperwhite Kindle, not a Fire. E-ink is more important to me than color.

  4. I've heard of most of these, but I'm struggling to come up with any to add to the list.

    My latest blogging A to Z challenge post.

  5. Impressive amount of published writing!
    Thanks for your comment on my blog.

  6. I have never read any of Lackey's work. Piers Anthony is one of my faves, however. HG Wells was my gateway.

  7. Majanka, that's OK.

    Susan, if you're talking about Lee, then yes, she's quite prolific!

    Jay, Anthony and Lackey have collaborated on at least one book called If I Pay Thee Not in Gold.
