
Friday, April 10, 2015

SF Women A-Z: Isaak and Isidore

For the letter "I," I'd like to feature Broad Universe member Elaine Isaak. She's published poetry, short fiction, and novels. She also creates metal sculptures and custom stuffed animals. You can find a list of her works and the buy links on her website.

Another "I" author is Sarah Isidore, author of The Daughters of Bast trilogy. In this trilogy, a young Druid priestess finds herself serving the Egyptian goddess Bast while facing both Sekhmet and Julius Caesar. The series continues with the priestess's descendants. I had the first book for many years but eventually sold it, figuring I'd never find the rest of the series. Of course, I finally found the other two books at Half Price and had to buy back my own copy of the first book. Did I learn my lesson? Of course not. I sold the trilogy back when I finished it, which is why I had to use a photo of Amazon's webiste. Amazon.
Find out more about these books on

Are you inspired to add any other "I" authors to this list?


  1. You bought back your own book - that's funny.

  2. Just part of the things I have to do to finish a series, Alex.

  3. That sounds like a really good trilogy. I love stories that have to do with Egyptian gods and goddesses. :)

    -Chrys Fey
    Tremp’s Troops - A to Z Co-co-host
    Write with Fey

  4. Don't know many authors of any gender for I. The good thing about ebooks is you can delete them from your Kindle and always go back and download them again later.
