
Monday, February 23, 2015

Blog Ring of Power--Rebecca P. McCray

Believe it or not, we have another Blog Ring of Power interview. I'm hosting the final part (Words of Wisdom); please see Teresa's and Emily's blogs for the other sections.

Tell us about your route to success – how/when did you decide to self-publish? Did you query an agent first? How did you handle the editing, proofreading, cover design, etc.

I decided to self-publish without querying an agent for a variety of reasons. However, I wanted to create a well-crafted, well-presented novel. So, I hired two editors: one more developmental (focusing on structure, point of view) and one that focused on word usage, flow, proofreading, etc. I also had several strong beta readers focusing on consistency and overall grammar. The cover I discussed above, but needless to say that I hired support there, as well.

What are the most important elements of good writing?

There are the obvious points like good grammar and word usage as these can derail a reader’s experience. The less obvious, but equally important, elements are structure, timing, character development, etc. But in the end, I think what’s most important is that the characters have to be “real.” Readers need to be able to connect with the characters and experience the story through them.

Do you have any advice for other writers?

I’ve been an avid reader for a long time. But, I’ve found reading other Indie authors books and providing them with informal feedback has been really helpful for my writing. It’s encouraged me to think differently when I read and is making me a stronger writer.

Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

Thank you for your interest in my story. Please feel free to connect with me through various social media channels. I’m interested in hearing your thoughts about the story, which characters you love or hate and why — oddly, I’ve yet to find anyone who favors one of my favorite characters. As well, if you’re an artist and happen to draw any of characters, I’d love to see it.

What are your current / future project(s)?

As noted above, I’m currently working on book two, The List. Depending on how things progress with the series, I may also write earlier stories about the various species and what drove them from their planets.

Rebecca P. McCray's debut novel, The Journey of the Marked, tells the beginning of the epic Miyran Heir story. Currently, she resides in the western US, but has lived in various locations across the US and UK. Her interest in cultural anthropology contributed to the myriad of species and backgrounds incorporated into her new world.

Facebook page:
Goodreads author page:
Amazon Author Page: http://www

On a distant planet, Eros thrives in the Human settlement he calls home. Raised to follow his grandfather’s noble footsteps, he studies the details of each species that co-exists here.

But when his sixteenth birthday arrives and he’s called to fight, his life changes forever. Forced to abandon his home and relentlessly pursued by savage hunters, he joins forces with others, including a scrappy, street fighter named Kenrya, who loathes the planet’s self-appointed rulers.

As Eros faces perils that test his training and push the limits of his resolve, he and Kenrya must put aside their differences and learn to work together to survive. Discover this epic, dystopian adventure where an individual’s unique abilities can change the course of the future.

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  1. If readers can't connect to the characters, it won't matter how good the story.
    Cool cover art for your book, Rebecca.

  2. Whoa, I love that cover. Congrats to you, Rebecca.

    I strongly agree with hiring the right people, especially two different editors. Editors might say they're able to do both developmental and grammatical, but they're all stronger at one aspect over the other.
