
Friday, January 16, 2015

Science of the Week, 1/16/15

Here are some of the most interesting science news articles I read this week:

Firm's food-waste-to-compost, energy "recipe" praised

Study of humanity's "dark side" may show how to keep it at bay 
(A deeper analysis of the Milgram experiment and strategies used by disobedient subjects)

Photonic booms may help illuminate astronomical secrets

More sun means fewer children and grandchildren

Toward quantum chips

Do viruses make us smarter?

New tech application keeps bacteria from sticking to surfaces

Birds "paint" own eggs with bacteria to protect the embryo

Scientist create prototype quantum hard drive

Look out, this poker-playing computer is unbeatable


  1. I have no kids - I must've gotten a lot of sun when I was younger.

  2. oh yea...more made up titles

