
Monday, January 12, 2015

Blog Ring of Power--R.M. Alexander

This is likely to be the final post in the Blog Ring of Power. It has become difficult for all of us to recruit enough interviewees to maintain a regular schedule. I have enjoyed working with Terri, Emily, Dean, Vicki, and T.W. for the past few years and plan to keep promoting other authors on my own.--Sandra

Today on the Blog Ring of Power, R.M Alexander will share her words of wisdom with us. Please visit T.W.'s and Emily's blog for the other parts of the interview.

1. Tell us about your route to success –did you use an agent? How did you land your agent and/or publisher?

I actually did try the traditional route of shopping agents with Veil of Secrecy. They were wise enough to turn me down. Since then, I've self-published three books, including Veil. But not until I had an editor and beta reader review my work and help make it better.

2.  Is there anything you would have done differently during the querying and publishing process?

I wish I wouldn't have rushed into it like I initially did. I did some revising, but I didn't have an editor. And I was too sensitive outside constructive criticism. Those things might have changed my path. Or not. Either way, I know better now.

3.  Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

Thank you. Thank you for giving my books a chance, and for supporting me during my journey. "Thank you" doesn't begin to portray my gratefulness for you.

4.   What are your current / future project(s)?

I'm working on the last two books of the Shadows Trilogy - Dark Crossings and Revelations. I also have a clean romance series that I'm working on.  I'm hoping they are all completed this spring.

RM Alexander is an author of Sweet / Clean Romances that are sometimes contemporary, sometimes paranormal or suspense, but are always ruled by the heart of true romance. 

With characters who look for love in wrong places and are victims of the worse kind of betrayals while fighting for what they want and believe in, RM's novels promise a good read with unexpected twists and turns.

When she's not writing, RM is spending time with her husband and two small children in Michigan. She loves to travel, especially to Walt Disney World, and can often be found on Twitter or Facebook chatting with other authors and fans.

 Author Links:


Rachel Brackett arrives in Sullivan, Montana with simple goals: relocate, settle an estate, and manage her own antique store. Her parents and friends back home called it running away. That’s just fine with her. 

Rachel’s curiosity leads her into the forest, and she finds creatures who know more about her ominous heritage than she does. The creatures only exist in nightmares – grotesque mutants and shapeshifters. They seek vengeance for hideous crimes in genetic engineering, and Rachel is the prime target for retribution. While Rachel searches for the truth behind the family she never knew, a bounty hunter stalks her every move. Only Leonardo, a figure shrouded in the shadows, offers protection. A were lion with the perfect blend of human and feline features. Terrifying. Impossible. Alluring. 

When Rachel’s home is ripped apart and a friend attacked, it’s clear there is no safe haven. She is no longer running from her past, but trying to survive to make it to her future.

Available on Amazon.


  1. Whatever you might have changed, you're on your own path now. Congratulations, RM.

  2. That's great of you, RM, to admit that you had a tough time with criticism. I just had to stop helping a friend I was mentoring because he thought his writing was perfect. Any kind of help or suggestions I offered fell on deaf ears.

    Ego can get in the way.

  3. It's great to meet R.M. I don't let criticism bother me. I care what people think about me. But often the criticism has truth behind it. I just need to do a bit of soul searching and see if there is an area I need to make changes.
