
Friday, December 05, 2014

Science of the Week, 12/5/14

Earlier this fall, I hosted author Vanessa Finaughty as part of her blog tour for Wizard of Ends. She graciously returned the favor by interviewing me about Seasons' Beginnings. You can read the interview here.

Here are some of the most interesting science news articles I read this week:

Most American presidents destined to fade from nation's memory

The Law of Requisite Usefulness

Mere expectation of treatment can improve brain activity in Parkinson's patients

Nail stem cells prove more versatile than press-ons

Protein that rouses the brain from sleep may be target for Alzheimer's prevention

Political correctness in diverse workplace fosters creativity

Researchers use 3-D printing to guide human face transplants

The human eye can see "invisible" infrared light

"Mirage Earth" exoplanets may have burned away chances for life

Space travel is a bit safer than expected

Unlike people, monkeys aren't fooled by expensive brands

Have you started holiday activities yet? This weekend, I have my company's holiday party, a cookie exchange, and a holiday train ride. Hopefully I'll manage to squeeze in some holiday writing--or even regular writing--in there as well.

Take care, and I'll see you Monday.


  1. Most presidents destined to fade from nation's memory - including the one we have now.
    My wife has an event at our church this weekend, but otherwise it's calm. I think I need a calm weekend.

  2. Yeah...I have something in common with monkeys.

    Have a great weekend.
