
Monday, September 01, 2014

Meet the Character Blog Tour--Kron Evenhanded

Happy Labor Day, everyone, and thanks for spending part of it here. I'd like to thank Laurel Anne Hill for inviting me to join the Meet the Character Blog Tour. I'm featuring Kron Evenhanded, hero of my upcoming fantasy novel Seasons' Beginnings.

1.) What is the name of your character?

As stated above, his name is Kron Evenhanded. He received his last name because he's equi-manual (my term for being ambidextrous) and because he has a reputation for being fair.

2.) Is he/she fictional or a historic person?

Fictional. I don't think there were too many historical persons who could enchant objects.
3.) When and where is the story set?

The story is mostly set in the city-state of Vistichia, at a time equivalent to the Bronze Age.

4.) What should we know about him/her?

As I mentioned above, Kron is an artificer, able to enchant man-made objects to do whatever he wants. He came into his powers as a youth, but he received further training at the Magic Institute.

5.) What is the main conflict? What messes up his/her life?

Another magician named Salth and her young son, Sal-thaath. Their magic is more powerful and more generalized than Kron's, but they seek more power, even at the expense of ordinary people--like a pretty young woman named Bella.

6.) What is the personal goal of the character? 

As the story opens, Kron is traveling back to his native country of Delns. After falling in love with Bella, Kron must decide whether to stay in Vistichia and help defend it against Salth and Sal-thaath or find out what happened to his family back home.

7.) Is there a working title for this novel, and can we read more about it?  

It's called Seasons' Beginnings, and you can learn more about it on Goodreads or Amazon.

8.) When can we expect the book to be published or when was it published?

October 21, 2014. (It's already available for pre-order.) I'm currently waiting to hear back from my betas so I can finish editing the book and order the proof copy.

Next week, the Meet the Character Blog Tour continues with Briane Pagel.

Briane Pagel recently figured out that the secret is this: you eat a few of the black jellybeans first, and then some of the other colors, because that really makes the flavors pop.  This is the kind of genius (?) you'll find on display at his blog "Thinking The Lions," where he also posts pictures of his kids standing in front of art, talks about why he hates people (but probably not you!) and offers other random thoughts.  He also writes for Indie Writers Monthly blog and magazine, and will publish your stories and poems and pay you for them.

Thinking The Lions:
lit, a place for stories:


  1. Thank you, Sandra, for participating in "Meet My Character." Please give my good wishes to Kron.

  2. This really sounds great. I'm interested to see how you handle fantasy like this. (I'm 93% done with Twinned and really really like it.)

    Your worldbuilding is second to none.

  3. This really sounds great. I'm interested to see how you handle fantasy like this. (I'm 93% done with Twinned and really really like it.)

    Your worldbuilding is second to none.

  4. This really sounds great. I'm interested to see how you handle fantasy like this. (I'm 93% done with Twinned and really really like it.)

    Your worldbuilding is second to none.

  5. I can't believe I commented three times. I was having trouble with my internet that day.

    I stopped back to let you know that I invited all the authors who got stories into the time travel anthology to do this. We'll see who takes me up on it, but I sent them the link to your post.
