
Friday, August 01, 2014

Science of the Week, 8/1/14

Here are some of the most interesting science news articles I read this week:

Artificial intelligence identifies the musical progression of the Beatles
(you know I can't resist a Beatles mention)

Stanford biologist warns of early stages of Earth's 6th mass extinction event

New technology allows hair to reflect almost any color

Bacteria's ability to fight obesity

Astronomers detect mysterious signal 240 million light-years from Earth

Healthy lifestyle may buffer against stress-related cell aging

Vision-correcting displays

A market for emotions

Mysterious molecules in space

A blood test for suicide

Building "invisible" materials with light

Potential universal blood test for cancer discovered

Have a good weekend, and see you Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Blood test for suicide? If it's a indicator of the likelihood of it happening, as the article stated, that would be great.
