
Monday, December 23, 2013

BRoP Year in Review: Kate Evangelista

As 2013 comes to a close, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on some of the joys and triumphs of the year. To that end, we bring you the 2013 Blog Ring of Power Year in Review Giveaway Hop! We’ve teamed up with this past years’ BRoP interviewees to bring you 22 days of “year in review” guest posts and 20 fabulous giveaway prizes! Each day we'll share a new guest post on the year in review from a previous BRoP interviewee and you’ll have another opportunity to enter the giveaway—so get hopping! And be sure to enter the giveaway at the end of this post!  

Kate Evangelista
I can safely say that since my interview, I’m busier than ever. Several books are in the pipeline that I’m really excited about. For NaNo, I focused on writing the second book to a new series that’s releasing on Dec. 5. But more on that in a bit. Also, I’m rewriting a novel that’s near and dear to my heart. This project might be my favorite of all and I can’t wait to share it with everyone. I have several projects in the process of editing as well. So basically, my life has become a beautiful juggling act of projects. I wouldn’t want it any other way. Keeping busy has gained me fulfillment as a writer. I couldn’t be happier. Now, going back to December 5. Mark your calendars, folks! This is the book birthday of the highly anticipated Savor, the first book of the Vicious Feast series. It takes the characters of my debut novel, Taste, and plunges them in an entirely different world. To prepare for this day, I’ve been putting together a release day blitz and a massive review tour. I’m so excited sometimes I forget what day it is. I’m counting down to Savor’s release into the wild. Please make sure to add it to your holiday reading list.  

ebook copies of Render (A story of Aligare) by Heidi Vlach (3 copies)
 ebook copy of Home World by Bonnie Milani and ebook copy of Trades by Bonnie Milani
 ebook copy of Nefertiti’s Heart by A. W. Exley
$25 Amazon Gift Card from T. J. Loveless
paperback copy of Going Thru Hell by T. J. Loveless
ebook copy of Medusa’s Desire by E. B. Black
signed hardcover first edition of In Retrospect by Ellen Larson
paperback copy of Bad Apple by Kristi Petersen Schoonover (2)
paperback copy of Skeletons in the Swimming Hole by Kristi Petersen Schoonover (2)
ebook copy of Grave Intentions by Lori Sjoberg
copy of Henrietta the Dragon Slayer by Beth Barany (print for U.S. or ebook for Int. winner)
$10 Amazon gift card from Terri Bruce
 ebook copy of Twinned Universes by Sandra Ulbrich Almazan
ebook copy of Entwined Courage by Tracy Lane
ebook copy of Kindar’s Cure by Michelle Hauck
signed paperback of Ice Forged by Gail Martin
ebook copies of “Taste” “Reaping Me Softly” & “Unreap My Heart” by Kate Evangelista
 ebook copy of “Romancing the Bookworm” by Kate Evangelista

 a Rafflecopter giveaway

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