
Monday, November 18, 2013

Blog Ring of Power--Jennie Bozic

Today the Blog Ring of Power kicks off a five-part interview with Jennie Bozic. Let's get to know her a little better:

Tell us about your early works—what was the first thing you ever wrote?

I wrote a lot of short stories as a kid, usually involving mermaids or talking animals. When I learned to type, I spent hours on the computer writing a story about a mama chipmunk whose babies are kidnapped by squirrels. She rescues them with the help of an army of pigeons.

When did you first consider yourself a professional writer?

Probably when I snagged my agent. I don’t think that has to be the case for every writer, but that’s when it felt real to me.

What genre do you write?

Everything I’ve written so far has been for young adults, although that is technically a category and not a genre. DAMSELFLY is science fiction with some dystopian elements and a lot of romance. I don’t see it as strongly dystopian though, since I don’t view Lina’s world that way. There is definitely a lot of unrest in the world, but her primary battle is with her immediate situation and not the broader world conflicts. At least in this book. :)

What is your favorite theme/genre to write about?

I love science fiction and fantasy. I’ve noticed that memory tends to be a theme in almost everything I write. I’m fascinated with what makes us who we are.

If you couldn’t be an author, what would your ideal career be?

I don’t think I have just one ideal career. I like what I’m doing now (visual effects for film and television), and it’s prepared me well for receiving criticism as an artistic professional. I’d also love to be an English professor. If someone offered to pay me to play video games all day, I definitely wouldn’t turn that down. :)

You can find the rest of Jennie's interview at the links and times below:

The Writing Life: Vicki--11/19
The Creative Process: Terri--11/20
About Your Current Work: Theresa--11/21
Words of Wisdom: Emily--11/22

Author Bio:

I'm a visual effects artist for film and television by day, and at night I don my author cape and pen stories for the YA crowd. I love a good fairy tale, especially if there's a creepy twist, so that's what I write.

I met my husband in the World of Warcraft and we live in Los Angeles with our cat. We spend our time playing video games, reading, hiking, sweeping up cat hair, and cursing the terrible traffic.
Facebook page:
Goodreads author page:
Twitter: @JennieBozic


  1. Can I say I love Jennie's hair?

    Memory is a fun trope to play around with. Great interview!

  2. Thanks M! :)

    And thank you, Sandra, for hosting me!
