
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Fussy Librarian

Here's a relatively new site that offers something for both readers and authors. The Fussy Librarian offers you free personalized book suggestions based on the type of content you prefer. Many sites allow you to specify your favorite genres, but not all of them will filter books according to the levels of sex, violence, and profanity you're willing to tolerate (or enjoy). After you fill in your preferences, you'll receive e-mails whenever the Fussy Librarian finds a possible match for you.

Authors can currently get free promotion of their work by helping spread the word about this site. Eventually the site will start charging for listings, so it's wise to get in now. To find out more, click here.(And in case you're wondering, I do have a promotion for Lyon's Legacy scheduled for Saturday.)

Happy reading and promoting to all!


  1. Now that is really cool. Like Pandora for books.

  2. I signed up yesterday but haven't got anything yet other than a confirmation. It's too bad their promotion is one of those that requires 10 reviews with an average of 4 stars as hardly anyone reviews my books and those who do tend to be jerks. But I was able to put Where You Belong on there so I guess that's something.

  3. Oh, wait, I did get the newsletter thing today. It was just in the promotional emails tab on GMail.

  4. That is amazing! I totally need a library like that--where I can filter for content before handing things off to my kids. (Rather than having to read everything first...not that I mind, but with a broken time stopper...)

  5. Alex, good comparison!

    Pat, yes, it's hard getting reviews. Good luck with your book!

    Crystal, I agree this would be good for kids' books.
