
Friday, July 12, 2013

Science of the Week, 7/12/13

Here are a few of the most interesting science news articles I read this week:

Evolution too slow to keep up with climate change, study says

5D optical memory in glass could record the last evidence of civilization

Study suggests that Neanderthals shared speech and language with modern humans

MIT: Bigger storms ahead

How well can you see with your ears?

Robot mom would beat robot butler in popularity contest

IVF for 200 euro per cycle

Is it OK to have three parents?

Boron an unlikely competitor for diamond as the best thermal conductor

To feed the future, we must mine the wealth of seed banks today

How the brain creates the "buzz" that helps ideas spread

Researchers build an all-optical transistor

Research sheds light on M.O. of unusual RNA molecules

I could list more, but I'm ready for a vacation. How about you?

See you Monday with a BRoP interview and a Scene 13 post!

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