
Friday, June 28, 2013

Science of the Week 6/28/13

Here are some of the most interesting science articles I read this week:

Blocking memories to treat booze addiction

3 planets in habitable zone of nearby star (sounds like a great setting for a SF story, doesn't it?)

Revealed: the mystery of Saturn's giant storms

Surprise species at risk from climate change

Plants do arithmetic to get through the night

Where'd it go? Sugar solution makes tissues see-through

Watched not just by the NSA: Your de-identified DNA information can actually be identified

Research reveals low exposure of excellent work by female scientists

Long-horned rhino from China reveals origin of the unicorn

Scientists see memories as they light the corners of the mind

Supercomputers simulate orbitial debris impacts on spacecraft

What is the fastest articulated motion a human can execute?

DNA found outside genes plays largely unknown, potentially vital roles 
(Note: this article also discusses a new type of RNA)

Researchers call for easing of interplanetary contamination rules

Researchers use video game tech to steer roaches on autopilot 
(so one day someone trapped in a collapsed building might actually be happy to see rescuing roaches)

As if that's not enough science for you, the July issue of Scientific American has articles on grieving animals, restoring vision to blind children, and searching for life on distant planets.

Finally, as I was finishing up this post, my husband showed me an article about Britain now allowing "three-parent" IVF babies. The mother's mitochondria would be replaced by a donor's so the child would look like the father and mother but avoid inheriting a mitochondrial disease. The change would affect the child's babies as well.

Have a good weekend, everyone, and see you on Monday!

1 comment:

  1. But if that army of roaches falls into the wrong hands...
    People saw unicorns in rhinos? Mermaids in dugongs? What were those people on back then?
