
Friday, April 19, 2013

Science of the Week, 4/19/13

Here are some of the most interesting posts from Science Blog this week:

Scientists reverse memory loss in animal brain cells

Stimulating the brain blunts cigarette craving

New broad-spectrum antibiotic can kill MRSA, anthrax

How Bluetooth could save your life

Ordinary skin cells morphed into functional brain cells

Human Asteroid Initiative Builds on NASA History

Different brains have similar responses to music

A molecular "superglue" based on flesh-eating bacteria

Robot hands gain a gentler touch

Egg study supports link between birds and dinosaurs

Researchers abuzz over caffeine as cancer-cell killer

Bursts of electrical pulses may protect against Alzheimer's

Diamonds could improve effectiveness of breast cancer treatment (no wonder they're a girl's best friend!)

That should keep you busy for a couple of days.

Enjoy your weekend, and I'll see you Monday!


  1. Coffee lovers everywhere will be excited about the cancer one.

  2. I'm a tea drinker myself, but I thought people might appreciate that story.
