
Friday, April 12, 2013

Science of the Week, 4/12/13

Here are some links to the most interesting science news articles I read this week:

Today's adults less healthy than previous generations

Flyers beware? "Dark side of dark lightning"

Sensational success in patients with major depression

Metacognition: Chimps can think about thinking

Scientists design new adaptive material inspired by tears

Nanowires have the power to revolutionize solar energy

Print me another liver: 3-D printer can build synthetic tissues

Not as much this week, but that's how it goes sometimes.

Enjoy your weekend, and I'll be back on Monday with another BRoP interview and a couple of announcements.


  1. I'd heard about the 3D printer.
    Adults today are less healthy? No surprise there. They're also ten times fatter and out of shape.

  2. Alex, I wish I'd heard about the 3D printer sooner so I could have used it in some of my books.

    Funny how humanity has worked so hard to achieve such an unhealthy lifestyle, isn't it?
