
Thursday, March 14, 2013

National Wormhole Day--Bloghop

Today is Einstein's birthday; he would have been 134. In his honor, Stephen Tremp, Laura Eno, and Luanne Smith are hosting a National Wormhole Day bloghop. It started yesterday, and even though I just heard about it and don't normally post on Thursdays anymore, I wanted to join in anyway. After all, if you're familiar with Lyon's Legacy and Twinned Universes, both of them feature wormholes, and both of them do a pretty good job of answering the question listed below:

What would you do or where would you go if you could traverse a wormhole through space or time just once? One safe round trip passage. Would you go back in time and talk some sense into a younger you? Go five years into the future and bring back the Wall Street Journal? See just how the heck the Great Pyramids of Giza were really built? View what the other side of the universe looks like? Kill Hitler? what you would do if you had a two-way ticket to traverse a wormhole. This is my way of getting people excited about all the amazing stuff on the horizon that we as a race are on the cusp of discovering! 

If I could only pass through a wormhole once, I'd go back to myself at 20 and give myself some advice--and maybe some investment tips. But if I could go somewhere else too, I'd see the Beatles perform at the Cavern in Liverpool. They were the ones who inspired to write and gave me the ideas for Lyon's Legacy and Twinned Universes. Plus I'd also like a chance to warn John about what would happen in 1980. The dream wouldn't end so soon....


  1. A Beatles concert would be a lot of fun! Good choice :)

  2. Be sure to take copies of your books so they can sign them!

  3. Are you sure you wouldn't go back to take some Beatles DNA to clone them later?

  4. Cool choice! That would be amazing to go back and see them perform when they were just getting started. :)

  5. Great idea! Who wouldn't want to see them perform live. I know I would. Thanks for participating.

  6. Ooh. Smart move giving yourself some investment tips! Now why didn't i think of that.

  7. If we could go back and give our twenty-year-old selves a good talking-to and offer our hard-earned wisdom and advise, I wonder how many of us would listen to ourselves.

    Take a camera when you go to that concert!

  8. Susan has a point about listening to advice, but if I knew it was me I'd probably be spooked enough to listen.

  9. I'm totally on board with investment tips! Very smart.

  10. I remember my aunties getting ready for a Beatles' concert - wouldn't it freak them out if a grown up me had met them there! Great choice:)

  11. Going to see the Beatles is a great idea! :)

  12. I love The Beatles! I would totally go with you if you find that wormhole! It's weird seeing people say "Go back to my twenties" because I'm turning 25..I feel like I could use advice (and investment tips) in my current life, lol

  13. It would be really cool to go back and see a great band perform. It would give the inspiration a boost for sure.
