
Friday, January 04, 2013

Science of the Week, 1/4/13

It looks like the first science post of the year is going to be on the light side, but considering I've blogged for six days straight, a little time to rest is fine with me. All of the links below are from ScienceBlog.

"Universal" personality traits don't necessarily apply to isolated indigenous people

Houston, we have another problem: astronaut Alzheimer's

Origin of life emerged from cell membrane bioenergetics

Will 2013 be the year of the celebrity scientist?

Rare form of active "jumping genes" found in mammals

Scientists discover new use for harmful greenhouse gas

Researchers develop acrobatic space rovers to explore moons and asteroids

This one is from Scientists Discover new Technique to Prevent Certain Inherited Diseases

Have a good weekend, everyone, and be sure to return on Monday for the first BRoP interview of the year!


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