
Monday, October 08, 2012

Blog Ring of Power Interview: Heidi Garrett

As a long-time member of the Online Writing Workshop for Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror (more commonly known as OWW), I've developed relationships with several steady crit partners. I'm privileged and excited today to bring to you the first part of an interview with one of my OWW crit partners, Heidi Garrett. She recently published her first novel, Nandana's Mark, which she workshopped on OWW. (
Edited to add: Heidi is giving away a copy of her book! Go to the end of the post for the link.) Let's learn more about Heidi and her work:

How long have you been writing?
I’ve been writing since I was about 13 years old.

When and why did you begin writing?
The first thing I wrote was poetry. I kept a lot of emotions bottled up inside of me. Writing was a natural, private, and comfortable form of self-expression. I was always drawn to free verse, and that’s how I wrote. Perfect rhyme has never appealed to me as a writer.
      Although I’d been telling stories all my life, I didn’t begin writing them until after I graduated from college with a business degree.
      Before completing my first novel, I also experimented with journaling, songwriting, and blogging. I do feel like writing in all these different styles has helped me to continue to grow as a writer. However, writing a novel requires specific craft. Learning that craft has been both challenging and rewarding. 

When did you first consider yourself a professional writer?
Recently. When I published my first book.

What books have most influenced your life?
THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA had a tremendous impact on my young mind. The final book in the series, THE LAST BATTLE, had me thinking for years: What might the afterlife really be like? I found the idea that it might be what you believe it will be intriguing.
      This influence is clear in my debut novel NANDANA’S MARK. The metaphysics of the Realm of Faerie and the Mortal World are driven by mortal birth and death. The afterlife--and what happens when mortals die--is a key element in the world of NANDANA’S MARK and THE QUEEN OF THE REALM OF FAERIE series. Umbra, the antagonist, has formed in the Void from ‘psychic ash’ released upon mortal death. 

What genre do you write?

Here's Heidi's interview schedule for the rest of the week:

Tuesday: Part Two, Dean
Wednesday: Part Three, Terri
Thursday: Part Four, Theresa
Friday: Part Five, Emily

Melia has always wanted to fly, away.

From her two sisters, who’ve found their place in the Enchanted World, despite being half-faeries with no wings.

From her mother, the full blooded faerie who practices black magic, and weeps every night when she thinks her daughters aren’t listening.

But mostly from her father, the mortal druid who broke his faerie troth, and lives to reunite with Melia’s mother. He believes incarnating Umbra—the one entity everyone in the Enchanted World fears—will give him the power to return to the Realm of Faerie.

But Melia comprehends the horror of Umbra far better than her father ever will.

Umbra seduces.
Umbra corrupts.
And Umbra destroys.

When her best friend—a pixie named Tatou—urges Melia to turn to the mysterious Illustrator for help, she gives Melia the courage to challenge her father.

As secrets are revealed and a family’s dark legacy spins out of control, Melia’s wish to fly comes true.

It’s just not quite what she expected.

Facebook page: Coming Soon

Goodreads author page:

Apple: Search the iTunes store

Is your book in print, ebook or both?

Do you love faeries and pixies?

Do you love faerie tales, fantasy and magic?

Then enter to win a copy of the new adult novel NANDANA'S MARK, book one in the Queen of the Realm of Faerie series and the debut novel by author HEIDI GARRETT.

What do you have to do?

Just fill out the rafflecopter form below for your chance to win. The giveaway is open Oct. 8 through Oct. 12, and the winner will be announced on Monday, Oct. 15, via the participating blogs, Facebook and Twitter.

About the Book

Melia has always wanted to fly away.

From her two sisters, who’ve found their place in the Enchanted World, despite being half-faeries with no wings.

From her mother, the full blooded faerie who practices black magic, and weeps every night when she thinks her daughters aren’t listening.

But mostly from her father, the mortal druid who broke his faerie troth, and lives to reunite with Melia’s mother. He believes incarnating Umbra—the one entity everyone in the Enchanted World fears—will give him the power to return to the Realm of Faerie.

But Melia comprehends the horror of Umbra far better than her father ever will.

Umbra seduces.

Umbra corrupts.

And Umbra destroys.

When her best friend—a pixie named Tatou—urges Melia to turn to the mysterious Illustrator for help, she gives Melia the courage to challenge her father.

As secrets are revealed and a family’s dark legacy spins out of control, Melia’s wish to fly comes true.

It’s just not quite what she expected.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. Sandra, Thank you so much for including me in the Blot Ring of Power author interviews!
