
Friday, March 02, 2012

Science of the Week, 3/2/12

So, did March come in like a lion or a lamb for you? Yesterday was more lion than lamb by us.

Here are some interesting stories from Science Blogs this week:

Why spiders don't stick to their own webs

Computer training helps schizophrenics tell internal thoughts from reality

Engineers create wireless, self-propelled medical device

"Universal" vaccines could finally allow for wide-spread flu prevention

There was another article I wanted to link, about rouge planets wandering through galaxies, but the link didn't work. Those planets must be rogues indeed.

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. Weird Science, indeed.

    Our March came in like a lamb. Over 70 degrees, just a light breeze (light breeze here means hang on to your hair). Lots of sun.

    This morning it's supposed to snow! That's life in the midwest.

  2. I know exactly what you're talking about, Cordelia; I'm a Midwesterner too!

  3. Lion of a March in NE, sleet, snow, freezing rain and the coldest temps we've had in at least a month. However, next week its going to be in the 60s and beautiful, May weather in March. I'll take it.

  4. "There was another article I wanted to link, about rouge planets wandering through galaxies, but the link didn't work. Those planets must be rogues indeed."


    Interesting article on the spiders. It'd be fun to write a character that was always announcing interesting bits of trivia. Hmm. :)
