
Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Back on the Blog Chain: Feelings, Beatles Style!

What a great way to start a month--with a blog chain! Today, I'm posting on Kate's topic:

Post pictures, songs, movie clips, poems, or novel excerpts that make you feel. Feel what, you ask? Feel anything. Happy. Sad. Angry. Nostalgic. Hopeful. Hopeless. Jealous. Joyful.

Amparo posted before me, and Matt will conclude the chain tomorrow.

If you've been visiting my blog for a while, you probably know I'm a big Beatles fan. It's not surprising that such a great and still beloved group would be capable of making listeners feel many emotions:




And this song leads listeners through many different emotions:

I could go on, but if I posted every Beatles song in their catalog, we'd be here all day. (Not that that's a bad way to spend a day.)

Do you have a favorite Beatles song?


  1. Have you seen the movie "Across the Universe"? It's a musical all set to Beatles music and the actor in it is so cute.

  2. Michael, I've heard of it, but I haven't seen it. I have seen the Circque du Solei (sp?) show "Love" in Las Vegas, though.

  3. Those all make me nostalgic. My parents were huge Beatles fans and so I associate that music with my childhood.

  4. The Beatles are an obsession of mine and you did a great job of representing those emotions through their songs!!

  5. That is a whole lot of Beatles! I'll be singing "You Can't Buy Me Love" for the rest of the day.

  6. Great choices. My favorite song is Imagine by Lennon. Okay, it's not technically a Beatles song (it's definitely all John) but it's still my fav. I guess another favorite (so many good ones, hard to choose) is I Want To Hold Your Hand. I remember singing that with my Dad all the time when I was little so it always evokes those fond memories. Great post!

  7. Great choices. My favorite song is Imagine by Lennon. Okay, it's not technically a Beatles song (it's definitely all John) but it's still my fav. I guess another favorite (so many good ones, hard to choose) is I Want To Hold Your Hand. I remember singing that with my Dad all the time when I was little so it always evokes those fond memories. Great post!

  8. I always love your beetle vibe! Great post

  9. Beetles songs are the best - there is no denying it. I don't know if this qualifies for a favorite, but I sing "All My Lovin'" to my daughter sometimes.
