
Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Setting Reasonable Goals

This may be the wrong month to talk about setting reasonable goals, but I know the writing goals I set for myself in October were too much. Among other things, I wanted to write three chapters of my current WIP, send another story out for editing, and maybe outline a third story. This month, I've scaled back a little. I plan to focus on writing 1000 words/day on my current WIP, arrange editing for the second story, and have a cover for the second story drafted. Since I didn't make my writing quota today, I already feel behind. (Then again, I spent the evening working on the second story, so I wasn't entirely bad.)

If you routinely juggle multiple projects, how do you balance them? And how much writing can a working parent accomplish on any given day?


  1. I'm always working on more than one thing but I tend to make one project the main one that I do everyday no matter what, and then I use additional time I mayhave on whatever takes my fancy that day.

    Moody Writing
    The Funnily Enough

  2. That's how I generally work too, mood.
