
Saturday, October 15, 2011

We Interrupt This Weekend....

To bring you a very serious photo:

If you don't recognize these men, they're Colin Mochrie and Brad Sherwood, part of the Whose Line Is It Anyway? cast. They put on their special two-man improv comedy show in Elgin last night. Eugene and I saw them perform a few years ago; it's somewhere on this blog as "Dances With Mousetraps." (The final part of their show involves them doing a routine blindfolded and barefoot with 100 live mousetraps scattered on stage; they call it the most dangerous improv routine ever. They did it again for this performance, though with a different scenario. They were also trying to throw mousetraps at each other, so even though the skit made me cringe at times, you knew they were asking for it.)

Eugene and I got tickets through Groupon earlier this week. Our seats were in the back. We didn't get any suggestions in at this show, but for the Sound Effects act, Brad came up to our row and had everyone take turns doing his sound effects. (Eugene does a much better blowdart than I do.) At the end of the night, we went to the table where they were selling DVDs and bought one. The seller announced Colin and Brad would come out and sign them, so we waited. It was probably about fifteen minutes or so. We were among the first few in line. Eugene took the above picture with his cell phone while they autographed the DVD liner. I'm glad my parents didn't mind watching Alex a little bit longer so we could meet Colin and Brad. Seeing the show was fun enough; getting autographs and a picture just topped it.


  1. I love that program. Wayne Brady is hilarious too. I love it when the three make up lyrics on the spot, or when they each have to begin their phrase with the next letter of the alphabet.

  2. I'm so jealous. The wife and I saw their show when they came to Denver, and yes it was hilarious (despite the cringing moments you mention). Did you know Colin does the voice for SpongeBob also? Anyway, I would have liked to meet them as well.
