
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Bye-Bye Borders

I'm sure by now you've heard the news about Borders liquidating. It's sad news, both from a reader's and a writer's perspective. Hundreds of bookstores closing may leave lots of people without a brick-and-mortar bookstore close by. And with publishers losing money too, they'll take on fewer writers and try to get even more money from the ones they work with. (This Angry Robot podcast might be quite the eyeopener for you about recent changes in the publishing industry.)

What do you think the book industry will look like after a few years, when things settle down? Do you think the fall of Borders will allow for the resurgence of independent bookstores? (Maybe in some areas, but I doubt every Borders will be replaced by another bookstore.) What will be the proportion of paper books sold to e-books? (I predict e-book sales will continue to rise. Yeah, that's probably a safe bet.) Will more writers take the self-publishing route? Are you going to change your long-term plans for your writing career based on what's happening?


  1. I must admit I'm guilty of buying more books online. But I still by the physical book, and am so not into the whole eBook thing. So I really hope print books remain available.

  2. Our borders closed last year and being the most conveniently located bookstore near me, I was forced into the local Indie stores. Now I love them, will stop there and purchase the book rather then go online.

  3. I don't think I've had two Trishas comment before. Trisha, I think demand for paper books will still be around for a while. Trisha Leaver, it's great that you found some local bookstores you love.

  4. Sad about Borders, it's a consolidation.

  5. It took me two days to listen to the whole podcast. I wish they could've had it in print so pieces could be excerpted. Authors need to understand what's going on.

    The only thing I disagreed with was with the guy who said that if enough authors baled on the publishers that offered crappy contracts that eventually the publishers would make it more author-friendly.

    I seriously doubt that. There will always be other writers willing to take pennies just so they can say their name is on a cover. It's an ego trip.

    People are so desperate for the 'validation' that they'll take anything. As one of the speakers on the podcast said: you have to understand what you're signing.

    Thank you for introducing me to the Dead Robot Society.
