
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Contest Winners!

Thanks to everyone who entered the contests last week. It's finally time to announce the winners.

Everyone who commented on Cindy Borgne's interview last week was eligible to win a free copy of her book Vallar. This means Stephen Tremp, Elizabeth Mueller, Madeleine, and Bluebell Books are all winners! (I'm not sure if Bluebell Books is a single person or a blog with multiple authors. In the interest of fairness, I think Bluebell Books should only get one copy.)

The winner of the query critique is Trisha!

And finally, the winner of the chapter critique is Sierra!

Congratulations to all the winners! Please e-mail me at sandraATsandraulbrichDOTcom to claim your prize.


  1. Congratulations, winners! Thank you, Sandra! Do I contact you or the author? Not sure since here it says you, but at my blog it says the author! :/

  2. Elizabeth, I saw on Cindy's blog today that she's holding a general sale on her book right now, and she has instructions on how to get it free from Smashwords. I hope that doesn't cheapen the prize. :( I think Cindy was planning to give the winners special coupons for Smashwords. My advice would be to visit her blog, follow the step there, and see if that works. If it doesn't, please let me know, and I'll contact her.

  3. Yay, thanks so much!! :D I will get an email sent off shortly(ish)

  4. Woweee! thanks soooo mcuh I am thrilled :O)x
