
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

300 Followers Contest!

During the A-Z Challenge last month, I reached the 300 (and more!) followers milestone. Thank you all very much for your support! To celebrate, I'd like to hold a contest. However, I'm not the only one offering prizes this time. Cindy Borgne and Nicole Zoltack have also generously donated prizes. Here's what's available:

Cindy: Five free copies of her novel, Vallar

Nicole: A free query critique

Me: A choice of either a $20 gift card to Barnes and Noble or a first chapter (up to 20 pages) critique

I've critiqued over 800 chapters/short stories as part of the Online Writing Workshop for SF, Fantasy, and Horror. When you include critiques I've done in person at workshops and cons and through snail-mail and e-mail, the total is probably close to a thousand, if not more. I read the whole chapter first, then go back and add line comments. I try to be helpfully honest; I explain what works or doesn't work for me and offer revision suggestions if appropriate. Depending on the level of critique desired, I can also review punctuation. The critique will be done within one month after I receive the chapter.

If you're interested in any or all of these prizes, leave a comment on this post indicating which ones you'd like to win. Comments must be posted by midnight CDT Wednesday, May 18. Winners will be chosen randomly. For an extra entry, blog or tweet this contest and leave the link in the comments section. You may comment once with your prize preferences and a second time to post your link, but further comments will not be considered for the contest. (If you have questions about this contest, feel free to post them.)


  1. It would be absolutely amazing to have a first chapter critique. Crossing my fingers!

  2. I'd definitely take any of the critiques!

    Congrats on reaching 300+!!

  3. Sounds like a great contest. I'd be happy to win any of the critiques :)

    I wish I had met you on A-Z...cos I'm a fellow A-Zer !

    Congrats on the 300 followers!

  4. I think a $20 gift card would be far more useful. I can get critiques from unknowns on Critique Circle, etc. if I want. Of course it'd be better if it were an Amazon gift card and then I could buy a couple of MP3 albums from my wish list.

  5. Congrats on reaching 300+ followers.

    I have just joined you so don't feel I'd be eligibel to grab one of your lovely prizes, though the books and token sound especially fab :O)
