
Saturday, April 16, 2011

A-Z: The N Authors

My original topic for "N" was night, but I find myself uninspired by this topic. So instead I'll briefly discuss a few science fiction/fantasy authors with "N" surnames. They're all represented in my book collection.

Garth Nix: I've read his Old Kingdom series (Sabriel, Lirael, and Abhorsen) and really enjoyed the setting. A new book in this series is supposed to come out next year.

Jody Lynn Nye: I met her up in Madison at a bookstore signing. She was very encouraging when I talked to her about writing.

Andre Norton: I remember reading Moon of Three Rings when I was a teenager and couldn't resist buying it years later. I haven't read anything in her Witch World series; I'm having problems finding the first book in the series.

What other "N" authors can you name?