
Saturday, April 09, 2011

A-Z: Hamlet

I've been working on Twinned Universes for a long time, and it's undergone many revisions and title changes. But one thing that's been constant from the very start is its links to Hamlet. In fact, the first version of this story was called To Thine Own Self Be True, which is a line from Hamlet. I decided early on that my main character was an actor, and playing Hamlet seemed like the ultimate goal for his career. Plus, just as in Hamlet, a relative is suspected of killing another relative in my book.

I've done several things to strengthen the ties between Twinned Universes and Hamlet. In the current version of my novel, my main character, Paul, is actually appearing in Hamlet as a minor character at the beginning of the book. He gets inspiration from the play and quotes lines from in on several occasions. I've even borrowed some names from the play for one of my characters, although I've tweaked them so it's not too obvious.

As for Shakespeare's play, I've read it several times, but I don't recall studying it in my college Shakespeare course, and I've never seen it live. I have seen Kenneth Branagh's version on DVD and enjoyed it very much. Humm, it's only ten bucks on Amazon now. To buy or not to buy, that is the question....


  1. There's so many versions on dvd now, which one do you buy? Branagh's is supposed to be quite faithful but a little dull. The Olivier one is considered a classic, the style is quite dated now though. The latest one with David Tennant (Dr Who) was well received. Ethan Hawke did an updated version. Mel Gibson? Richard Burton?

  2. My curiosity is up. This promises to be some book. I'll be looking for it.

  3. I like the premise of your novel. Can't go wrong with Hamlet. I say buy.

  4. Love Hamlet! My favorite of all the plays ...

    I'm your 300th follower, btw, and honored to be so. Great blog!

    Nice to meet you,


  5. DEFINITELY but it. It will give you all sorts of ideas, I promise.

  6. Hamlet is one of my favorites of Shakespeare. I particularly love the Ethan Hawke version.

  7. With regard to the play, I'd have to go with "Buy it".

    KB uses the full text - so the movie is over 4 hours long. But you get the full sweep of the play and of the language.

    And linking your novel to Hamlet - it certainly can't hurt.
