
Saturday, April 02, 2011

A-Z: The Beatles

The Beatles are an obvious "B" subject for me. (Of course, there's always that great song of theirs called "Letter B"...oh wait, that's Sesame Street.)

Most Beatles fans I know became fans as teenagers. Although I do remember listening to Sgt. Pepper at a friend's house during high school, my "conversion" happened later, when I was twenty-five. At the time, I was working at a job I didn't enjoy very much, and Eugene and I were in a long-distance relationship. Although I'd written a novel during my internship, I wasn't actively writing at the time. Then the Beatles Anthology aired during the week of Thanksgiving. I'd heard there would be a new song, so even though I was only a casual fan, I watched the first episode. "Free as a Bird" stuck in my head, keeping me company at my dreary job. I watched the rest of the series, and before I knew it, I was hooked.

I've been a fan now for over fifteen years. In that time, I've become friends with other Beatles fans, written stories inspired by their four-fold synergy, collected three shelves' worth of Beatle books, memorized dialogue from the movies, seen Paul and Ringo perform, laid flowers in Strawberry Fields in Central Park for John, grieved for George's passing, and had my picture taken outside Abbey Road studios. I've played their music to cheer me up when I've down and to celebrate special events, such as my wedding. John once sang that he didn't believe in Beatles, and I realize though they were very gifted, they were also human. But they helped me reclaim my writing, and I am forever grateful for that gift.

Of course, I have to end this post with a song. Here's one of their more obscure ones that deserves more airplay:


  1. I've always been a big fan but weirdly I don't own any Beatles mp3 tracks. Must rectify that.

  2. How can one go past the Beatles? They're pretty legendary! ;)

  3. The Beatles are my absolute favorite. It's amazing to sit down and listen to their albums in chronological order. Their musical innovation was just incredible. My favorite song will always be Across the Universe.

  4. Hey, I know this song!!!!!!

    It's so cool how we have a group that inspires us. I don't know if I'll ever get to see mine in concert, but I have most of their music (U2).

    Very cool post! And thanks for the video; it brought back my teenage years when I listened to 'oldies' on the weekends :)

  5. Their timeless popularity will live forever. They were just plain neat guys with tunes that held a message.
    Wanna buy a duck

  6. Love your way of thinking....Great choice for "B". they are also a favorite of mine.I really like this Beatle song....has a spring time feel to it. Thanks for the memories.
    I'd love for you to check out and join my blog and A to Z Challenge.
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    Kathy at Oak Lawn Images

  7. B for Beatles! Great idea! Classic never goes out of style.

    I read your A for Alaska post too. I love it there--just so incredibly gorgeous. Coincidentally, yesterday I read to my son's kindergarten class about Alaska and schooled them on some of its more unique attributes. :)

  8. I have been a fan since 1964 or whenever it was that the Beatles were on the Ed Sullivan show. I remember that time. (Dating myself) However early Beatles were the best for me. Once they moved on to their later songs I found that I still pulled out my old 45s and 33s and listened to them. Great blog. Great website. I will be back.

  9. I love the Beatles! I discovered them when I was nine. At first I liked all the "early" music, but as a college student, I came to appreciate the Sgt. Pepper era. I think "And I Love Her" is one of the most beautiful love songs that was ever written.

  10. I'm not a song/music sisters, both Ipod addicts claim I am song-deaf ;)

    But I always like to occasionally sample something new..before I get bored...

    Followed you from A-Z challenge..

  11. I'm not a song/music sisters, both Ipod addicts claim I am song-deaf ;)

    But I always like to occasionally sample something new..before I get bored...

    Followed you from A-Z challenge..

  12. What a great use of the letter B!

  13. I love the Beatles too! I have an original white album and I got to see the Beatles-inspired show LOVE in Vegas when I was there last month. SO LOVE THEM! And was beyond giddy when they finally came out with a digital release on iTunes!

  14. Great post! I didn't become a Beatles fan until later in life - probably in my mid-twenties. But I love listening now. :)

  15. I was, and remain, a Beatles fan. Wonderful choice for this entry.

    If you like the Beatles, you have to see the film, Across the Universe. A musical that has their songs woven into its fabric. And it works!

  16. Love the Beatles. :)
    Happy B-day. I'm a new follower from the A-Z Challenge - nice to meet you! :)

  17. I'm a fan of the Beatles, but I've never heard this song before unfortunately. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. I'm not surprised that you picked the Beatles though :)

  18. I grew up with my Mom and Dad who were rabid Beatles fans. They would play their albums on the weekends. I know every word of every song...just not on purpose.
    Edge of Your Seat Romance

  19. My babysitter introduced me to the Beatles when I was about 9. My father worked for an airline and brought a signed album home for me and I traded it to my sitter for a Monkees album (which I still have to remind me of my stupidity)
    I enjoyed reading your post.

  20. A college buddy of mine was obsessed with the Beatles. She was an older student when I was eighteen. She drove me crazy in our six hour drawing and painting classes yammering about them.

    Not my favorite, but I do appreciate what they did for the music industry and realize their talent.

  21. Love the Beatles!
    Visiting from the A-Z Blogging Challenge. Nice to "meet" you! I'm a new follower. Have a great Sunday and a fun A-Z April :-)

  22. So many memories -- good and not so -- associated with the Beatles. I'm still a fan.


  23. Hi! new follower by way of the A to Z.

    I recently watched A Hard Day's Night again and loved it. They were so young! And funny.

  24. Oh, the Beatles always make me smile. Did you like the movie based on Beatles music they did recently. I can't remember the name, but I can picture the movie poster (a giant strawberry).

  25. Visiting from the A-Z Challenge. Oh, I love them, yeah, yeah, yeah!

    Come visit when you can at: (A-Z)

  26. The music of the Beatles is what really drew me to rock and pop music when I was young. They opened so many musical doors and made us all look at music differently.

    Contrary to my usual practice of subscribing to comments, to save time during challenge I will not be doing so during April. If you want to respond to my comment , please email me directly from your email notification for the comment.

    Tossing It Out
    Twitter hashtag: #atozchallenge

  27. I am proud to say that I queued all night for a ticket to see the Beatles and I saw them live, was on the front row, almost had to be carried out because I was screaming so loudly. *sigh* those were the days@!
