
Friday, March 25, 2011

Science of the Week 3/25/11

This will be the last Science of the Week post for a while, since I'm dropping this feature during the A-Z challenge. Don't worry, I'll bring back the science posts in May.

High-temperature superconductor and a new phase of matter

Bacteria and solar energy

Can matter escape from black holes?

The spinal cord can process information

Seeing in stereo

Implanted brain chip still works after 1,000 days

Have a good weekend, everyone!


  1. Matter escaping from a black hole? Doesn't that defy the very definition?

    I'm just stopping in as a warmup to the A-Z Challenge, as I'll be out of commission the first few days.

  2. I love these links that you provide. A nice quick fix to get my science fiction gears whirling. Thanks! :)

  3. I like your blog! I'm following you and I'm also in the A-Z Blogging Challenge. RuthieTootieWishes
