
Monday, February 14, 2011

Would You Rather...?

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone! Whether you're celebrating a current love or looking for a new one, may you gain no weight from your chocolate. ;)

I think most of my readers are, like me, writers trying to get published. However, if you weren't a writer, but you still wanted to be involved with books, what would you do? Would you be an agent, an editor, a book designer/publisher, a reviewer, a book seller, or something else?

I think for me, the answer would be an editor. I have previous experience in copy-editing, but I've also critiqued a lot of stories for other people. I like the idea of helping them improve their work. I realize there's a lot more to being an editor than that, but that aspect particularly appeals to me.

So, how would answer the question? Leave a comment and let me know.


  1. Hmm, I guess I'd be an agent because I already am an editor! :o) It would be interesting seeing work from and agents perspective, I think.

  2. Oooh! I'd be bookseller for sure! How fun would it be to have a little shop, surrounded by your favorite reads!?!

  3. Hello! Just dropped by after catching your name on the Writers Platform Building Crusade List. In answer to your question, I've been a reviewer and like it quite a lot and wish I could find money in it. I've also sold books which isn't a bad job but not a lot of money in that either. Now I work at the library during the day and write in the evening and as it is my day off, it's time to make the most of my time off and actually get some writing done! Ta ta!

  4. Besides being a writer, I'd rather be an editor or an agent. I'd definitely want to keep doing something with books.

  5. I'd be a bookseller. That would be totally fun.

  6. On top of writing my middle grade fantasy and adult/YA science fiction, I've already added book reviewing over at My Comfy Chair, and am starting a publishing venture. I simply can't get enough of books, so I'd happily work in a bookstore if I had more time.

  7. Hi Sandra!


    I write speculative fiction when I can and would want to be an editor if I couldn't write :) Congrats on getting your short published - I am hiking my first story around the magazines at the moment.

    Thanks for the follow - it's great to have you on board.


  8. Really, how can you go wrong with a career in books?

    Welcome, everyone!
