
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Just For Fun...

I'm still in the middle of following all the Crusader blogs; I'm going down the list. I just passed 100 last night. Hopefully I can add them all by the end of the week.

Anyway, I thought it would be fun with all the new followers to try out Blogger's Poll Gadget. If you look to the upper right, you'll see a poll asking how many books (on average) you read in a month. I managed to read fourteen last month, but we'll see if I can keep that up as the year continues. Please vote in the poll. Sorry, no prizes, but I think it would be interesting. You have until March 1 to vote.

Speaking of prizes, jys and shelia, please e-mail me about the books you won! I'd like to mail them out on Saturday--toddler permitting.


  1. I gave the poll a try. The choices are entertaining, as I imagine that outside this community, reading five books a month would seem high.

  2. Fellow Crusader popping over to say hello.

  3. I found it hard to do all that Following, but I got it! I was barely reading, just click-click-next.
    I think that good fiction does both -- provides escape, but poses the questions that make us consider bigger issues, and how heroic we can be in our everyday lives.

  4. Hi! Greet to meet you :) I'm into my 6th book this year -- but never come close to 14/mo! That's awesome!! I average about 3/mo.

    Looking forward to crusading with you!

  5. The poll was a tough one for me, because some months I'm at the 6-10 level, and some months I'm at the 1-5 level (last month was 1-5, this month is definitely 6-10!). I'm sorry that I missed the sign-up for the Crusader challenge - it looks like great fun!

  6. Voted!! And fellow crusader saying hello.

  7. Good luck following and visiting everyone, buddy crusader! I'm pretty much done. Wow, reading 14 books last month. I read NONE, cuz I was trying to finish my WIP. I'm officially starting my reading binge tomorrow. Yay!

  8. Hi, fellow crusader. Nice to meet you!

    I voted! I'm averaging about 8 books per month.
