
Monday, December 13, 2010

The Weekend

We had some bad weather here this weekend, although it doesn't compare to what other parts of the country. Saturday, we drove into Chicago to see Straight No Chaser. Between the rain, traffic, and parking issues, we were half an hour late for the concert. Then the group had trouble with their mikes, but they wound up performing a couple of extra songs to compensate. We got home an hour later than expected; I felt bad for the sitter, but she didn't seem to mind.

We did get snow and strong winds Saturday night, so I canceled my morning haircut and stayed home to take care of some chores. My son "helped" my husband with the snow on the driveway. We were able to go to a birthday party in the afternoon, but I had my husband drive us there because I'm a bit of a Nervous Nelly when it comes to winter driving.

I don't have much writing news to report; I'm just going through what I wrote during NaNoWriMo and summarizing the key plot points. There's a unplanned subplot that's itching to make itself into the novel, so I have to figure out what I want to do with it.


  1. I bet you had some ugly weather. I'm down in FLA and it's even cold here. Supposed to be freezing tonight. lol, sure that's nothing to you.

    Good luck on your revisions. I'm right there with ya.

  2. I plan to put my nano in a drawer for a while. Like wine, I find it ages better that way. ^_^

  3. I hope the weather get better where you are! It's been a little snowy/rainy here recently; the roads are always wet or slick.

    Good luck on your NaNo novel!

  4. Thanks for the good wishes, everyone!

  5. Good luck with the revisions.
    I'm having your weather here. It's no fun-- not even for the kids because it's too cold.
    Take care.
