
Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Thinking of John Lennon Today....

and I wanted to share Christine Lavin's "The Dakota" with you:

as she sings, "Well, it's something that we shouldn't dwell upon, but it's something we shouldn't ignore. Too many good men have been cut down, let's pray there won't be any more...."


  1. Thank you for sharing this. I had no idea (I honestly admit to not knowing much about John Lennon's assassination), but I'm glad I got to become acquainted with it now. I looked up The Dakota after listening to this and found it to be really interesting. Sad of course, but interesting nonetheless.

  2. Eric, Angela, thanks to both of you for stopping by today.

  3. I still recall first hearing about Lennon's death the following day on NPR's All Things Considered. I was shocked. I had recent bought "Double Fantasy" and was really psyched about his new direction and looking forward to what he would be doing.

    Tossing It Out
