
Monday, June 14, 2010

Character Interview Blogfest

I just found out (and signed up for) this character interview blogfest being hosted by Echoes of a Wayward Mind. It's tomorrow, so if you're interested, hurry over to the link and sign up. So there will be no Ten-Word Tuesday this week.

Since I'll write up the character interview tonight, I thought it would be interesting to see if my readers are interested in a particular character. I know I mention Paul Harrison, the protagonist of Across Two Universes, quite often here; do you want me to interview him? How about one of the secondary characters from that novel, such as Scott, Paul's best friend? Or would you like me to do a dual interview with Anne and Clarice, my shapeshifting heroines from my NaNoWriMo novel? Please vote in the comment section before 5:00 p.m. CDT. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. I vote for the shapeshifting heroines. The variations you could pull off could be interesting, Roland
