
Friday, May 21, 2010

Ask Sandra--Writing Habits

Barbara had several questions for me about my writing habits:

What time of day do you prefer to write during? 

Before I had Alex, I used to write in the evening, but now it's mostly on my lunch hour. As a working mother, I'm either too busy catching up on household chores or computer stuff to write. Sometimes I'm just too tired.

And what do you like your environment to be like when you write (music? TV? children destroying the sofa? Do you lock yourself in the basement?) 

Since it's on my lunch hour, I write right at my desk at work. I bring in my own laptop so I'm not using my company's computer. It's not my ideal setup, but it works, and that's the important thing. Sometimes my husband watches our son while I "run away" to the bookstore to write. Even though I can still get distracted by the Internet there, being out of the house during "extra" writing time helps me be more productive. I'm sure tea and a treat help too. ;) 

And also, when editing, do you like to do revisions on the computer or hard copy?

Usually I print out a hard copy for a beginning-to-end read, just to get a fresh perspective on it. I sometimes write notes on the hard copy, but after the read-through, I return to the computer for revision.

Those are all the questions I have this time around. Thanks, Barbara! Have a good weekend, everyone!

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