
Monday, February 01, 2010

Reintroduction to Math

I meant to do a wrap-up post yesterday about my goals for 2010. Although I haven't written much in the last few days, I've made progress in other areas: I passed my goals for blogging and critiquing, I started one of the writing craft books that's been on the shelf for a while, and I suggested some panel topics for WisCon. Although I exercised more often than not last month, my weight's been steady. I don't know if my doctor will be pleased or not.

Anyway, I found a column in the online New York Times that may be of interest. It's not about science or science fiction, but math. If you fear math, this is a series you should read. It starts with the basic principles of math (going all the way back to Sesame Street) and promises to explain them. This first column is about numbers, counting, and addition. I'm not sure if I'll link to the rest of the series, so you may want to keep checking the column for updates.


  1. Interesting. A refresher course just might come in handy. Thanks

  2. My opionion on math is I learned enough to get through school and then moved on with my life..
    ...Okay so maybe I need to read that article. ;)
