
Saturday, October 03, 2009

Back on the Blog Chain: Journeys

Well, not only is it time for another Blog Chain, but I get to start it. A few days ago, I blogged about the start of my journey to Japan and how journeys can play an important role in fiction. I'm feeling lazy, so let's expand on that topic:

What kind of journeys do your characters make? What effects do they have on the characters and the plot? Also, if you wish, please tell us about one of your personal journeys and how it changed you.

Since I'm already blogging about my trip to Japan, I won't discuss the last part. Instead, I'll focus on Paul's journey in Across Two Universes.

Paul's parents work on a spaceship, so he travels with them as they travel through a wormhole into an alternate universe. But although he's been visiting this other universe since he was born, he was never allowed to leave the spaceship. Once Paul learns he was cloned from a man in the other universe, it becomes inevitable that he try to meet him. It is not an easy journey; the other time travelers are reluctant to let him go, and once he escapes from them, they try to track him down. Earth in the Twentieth Century is much different from Paul's, and he experiences culture shock as he tries to get around in a new world. But all of these difficulties teach him new things about himself and the friends who accompany him. (They get different things out of the trip too.) Paul will need the strength he finds on this trip to face the antagonist at the end of the story.

That's all I have for now. Tune in tomorrow to see what Eric has to say.


  1. Ohh journeys - I like that! Hope japan was a blast.

  2. Wow! What an amazing story! I can't wait to see that in print!

  3. This sounds like a great story!! And I would love to go to Japan some day.

  4. Interesting story, and very interesting question. I'll have to put up my two cents now. Nice job.

  5. Wow Sandra, that sounds like a great story!! Your question poses some very introspective questions. I guess I'll be visiting the dusty road while I contemplate my own journeys this week!

  6. Interesting topic. Your story sounds cool, definitely piqued my interest.

  7. great topic and sounds like an awesome book! I totally agree with you - new experiences and difficulties can teach you a lot about yourself. And it's fun to explore the different aspects of that in our fiction :) great post!

  8. Wow, every time you write about your story it sounds so interesting. How fun too that you went on a trip to Japan, I've never been out of the country except for Canada so that sounds very exotic to me!

  9. Japan sounds so fun! As does your story. I can't wait to read it :)
