
Saturday, August 01, 2009

Back on the Blog Chain: Multiwriting?

Once again I'm second in the Blog Chain. Terri started us off with this question:

Do you focus on one project at a time, or do you have many irons in the fire at any given moment?

This will be a short post, as I don't have a whole lot to say about this topic. I'm a one-project-at-a-time person. I can have a couple other ideas brewing in the back of my mind, but when it comes to putting words on the screen, I usually focus on only one project at a time, the one that currently has me in its grip. I think there have been times when I've tried working on a few projects at a time, but I've never sustained multiwriting for long. These days, when I only have a half hour or so to write, I have to focus on one project. It's a nice idea in theory to have a couple of active projects so you can switch when you need a break, but it's not how I normally operate. Maybe if I had more time (or was under contract!), I could try it. But while I occasionally try writing techniques or methods I hear about from other writers, I don't worry too much about them. I just do what works for me.

That's all I have for now. Head on over to Kat's blog for her answer to this question. And I almost forgot--we have several new members who joined us recently! I'll update the links in the sidebar in the next couple of days.


  1. I would have to agree with you - when you have limited time, best to stick toone project - right? Right!

  2. very true. If you only have a few minutes a day to write, you'd never get anything done switching back and forth :)

  3. As a mom with two young kids, I can relate--writing time is precious and is easy to squander if you've got too many irons in the fire.

  4. I agree. It's good to be focused when time is short!

  5. I'm so glad to hear you say that! Short, but so helpful. I think that has been my problem lately, and I'm way too ADD to work efficiently that way.

    THANK YOU!!!!

    :) Terri

  6. I have a tendency to jot down notes for future projects as well, but I try not to let those thoughts take over because I always run with new ideas. Right now, I wish I hadn't ignored some of those inspirations, because I need something new to write about while I let my finished WIP stew!

  7. That makes sense to me, too :). Plus, if you only have one thing to work on, there's nothing to procrastinate with! Nice!

  8. Only 30 minutes a day to write would be harsh! I would be a one project at a time person, too!

  9. I can't sustain multiwriting either. I just get overwhelmed, then no writing happens.

  10. You hit the nail of the head. With time being limited, it is impossible to multitask. Like Annie said - it's too overwhelming.

  11. I think sometimes just being able to focus on one project - especially when you're pressed for time - is the best way!

  12. Geez, I feel like I'm really late getting here. Sorry.

    I like what you said about doing what works for you. I don't think there is a set way of doing certain things when it comes to the writing process.

  13. That's the one thing I've learned about writing so far: no one way is right. Everyone sort of has to figure out the best way to make stuff work. I'm STILL struggling to figure that out.
