
Sunday, May 17, 2009

QueryTracker Turns Two!, a database where authors can research agents and track their queries, is turning two! (Funny, I know someone else turning two in a couple of weeks.) To celebrate, they're hosting a carnival of contests, including a purple prose contest, an anagram contest, and two others. There will be separate prizes for each contest, and entering any or all of the contests puts you in the drawing for the grand prize: a custom website design for an author's website by Purple Squirrel Web Design. For more details, go here.

If you'd like a free entry into the drawing, you can advertise the carnival contest on your blog. Simply post an announcement like mine or Elana's, then either e-mail her at elanajohnson (at) querytracker (dot) net or leave her a comment with your real name and a link on her blog (at the post linked above). Your post must be up by Saturday, May 23.

Good luck to all, and congratulations to QueryTracker!

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