
Friday, April 03, 2009

With Strings Attached

What if you woke up and found yourself on a strange new planet...
sixteen years younger...
accompanied by people you have issues with...
possessing nothing but the clothes on your back and a musical instrument...
and totally clueless as to why you're there?

That's the premise of Aviva Rothshild's Beatles novel, With Strings Attached. She first started it in 1980; twenty-nine years later (including a seven-year hiatus), she finally finished it. She plans to self-publish it soon, but for now, she's posted a few sample chapters on her website, Rational Magic. She's also working on a sequel (and I hope it doesn't take her as long to finish it!).

I read an earlier version of Strings (or part of it) back in 1996 or 1997; I can't remember exactly. After glomming onto what was available online, I contacted the author and befriended her. This led to Aviva introducing me to Susan Ryan, editor of the Beatles fanfiction site Rooftop Sessions. I wrote a few stories for the site, including the two that became the basis for Across Two Universes. So in a way, my novel wouldn't be here without Aviva's.

Even if you're not a big Beatles fan, I recommend checking out Strings. It's a unique twist on the "Earth people being transported to another world" genre. Tell Aviva I sent you!

Edit: All links should be working correctly now.


  1. Thanks for the tip, and what a story! And what a story about the story! I'll check it out.

  2. I fixed the links now, Tara. Thanks for pointing that out!
